U.S. Cord Blood Banking Industry : Market Size, Share, Trend and Analysis 2013-14
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2013-14 U.S. Cord Blood Banking Industry Report” to its vast database. The cord
blood banking industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the
world. There were only 23 active cord blood banks as of 2005, and now there are
485 worldwide. Cord blood banks now exist in nearly every developed country, as
well as within several developing nations. That is a 21-fold increase (2,100%)
in the companies involved in the industry in less than a ten-year period.
Browse Complete Report With TOC@ http://www.marketresearchmoz.com/market-research/complete-2013-14-us-cord-174823
Within the United States, cord blood banks have appeared
in nearly every state. Furthermore, the U.S. cord blood banking industry is the
most mature cord blood banking market in the world, having the:
First company to offer cord blood storage (1995)
Early entrant into cord tissue storage (2010)
Largest total number of industry participants (both
public and private)
Most number of cord blood units (CBU) stored
Most cord blood units banked proportional to population
This rapid market growth represents both an opportunity
to profit, as well as swarming competition.
A Fast-Growth Industry, Driven by Medical Necessity and
Consumer Demand
The field of cord blood banking is a fast-growth field,
driven by medical necessity and consumer demand. It is also a recent industry,
as it was not until 1974 that it was first proposed that stem and progenitor
cells were present in human cord blood and 1983 that umbilical cord blood was
proposed as an alternative source of stem cells for transplant. In 1988, the
first successful cord blood transplant occurred, but it was not until 1995 that
the first private cord blood bank began operations.
Furthermore, it was not until July, 2010, when the Cord
Blood Registry became the first private U.S. cord blood bank to offer umbilical
cord tissue storage. In the two years that have since passed then, the number
of private U.S. cord blood banks offering cord tissue storage has risen to
nine. This represents an average of one new U.S. cord blood bank adding cord
tissue storage every 3 months. If this rate continues, half of all private U.S.
cord blood banks will offer cord tissue storage within two years.
Since the first cord blood transplant was performed in
1988, stem cells derived from umbilical blood have been used in more than
30,000 transplants worldwide to treat a wide range of blood diseases, genetic
and metabolic disorders, immunodeficiencies and various forms of cancer.
However, there is still significant variation within the industry. There is the
divide between private and public cord blood banking, in which private
companies serve individual families, while public banks serve the broader
public. Additionally, some cord blood banks receive only units from nearby
hospitals and birthing centers, while others allow mail-in units from a wide
geographic region.
Browse Complete Report With TOC@ http://www.marketresearchmoz.com/market-research/complete-2013-14-us-cord-174823
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